SOLO CAMP! I think all of the 3rd batch of Sampoerna Academy Malang is now crushed with this holy days :D |
walau panas terik matahari
berulang kali Smandasa beraksi
bagiku itu langkah pasti
Hari-hari esok adalah milik kita
Smandasa SMA kita semua
Smandasa SMA yang paling
SMA yang selalu juara
Marilah kawan mari kita nyanyikan
sebuah lagu, hey!
Tentang kemenangan.....
Arrived with National Soldier's truck (btw I swear every of them was a kindhearted and full with love), 3 days without fresh water, a damn hot day yet bloody cold night and dawn, a long walk through steep hills and valleys, woods, slept underneath the raincoats, and the amazing caraka night, r-o-y-c-o, gatsby, koya, whoaaaaa greeeaaaaat!
The view; thousands lights from the people's house beneath us, and stars, the sunsets, that rising sun, that gigantic chimney, the full moon... ah we didn't bring any camera or cellphones *cry*
Fireworks, bonfire, and a stormy performing art, and the pledge plus beret throwing. They are undeniably unrepeatable. Thank you!
Congratulation, leaders! Fight today, survive tomorrow!
a lotta thanks miss! we will ;)