
Listening to what I used to listen to when I was happier. And dancing hard. It works.

Forget about the rage I wrote yesterday. It was just me being human being.

Today I woke up feeling so plain; not feeling bad, not feeling good, just being plainly okay and very confused about what food I should order--food that would give me some sense of zest, some sense of passion. Food that would help me to feel something.

I even had more time today just for myself but my room was already clean, and I did not feel like watching series or movies. I could list things I want to do, or buy, or try but I did not think it would give me joy just today. To be honest, everything I just mentioned has been difficult for me to achieve while I was on the other side.

Oh to finally have time for it but is not feeling like it. Epic tragedy.

I ended up not ordered anything.

Then when I finally did, I impulsively ordered some packs of spicy macaroni and a cup of iced coffee and it turned out not that okay.

After an hour of floating in space, I grabbed my holy effin wired headset and listened to these cheesy songs from 2016.

Something melted down around me and life looked a little bit more colorful. Not that my life became all that good but at least I could feel a little bit more hopeful. And it was kind of enough I guess.

Just like that.

It's all just a matter of that button in your head, you know. You choose what you feel. You choose what things can interfere with your mood. You choose who gets to upset you, bring you down, or control you. You control you. You deserve to feel what you want to feel on your own terms.

Now push that button.

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